Well, that's about all the work I'm going to do on the front page tonight. The site went from over 900 files to 221. Once I've downloaded a new dump of the current state, I will fix the front page, and add a link to this blog.
So as of Today, March 14, 2005, this blog is "official" (that is, it's linked from a real live web site). Well, Ok, but it made me happy.
I tore out most of the old, derelict pages. I left the cats page, though. That needs to be restructured, so that it's not so painful to load over a modem.
Ok, downloads finished. Back to fixing the front page.
Hmm...I just realize that I had sort of a milestone last Wednesday, but due to my thinking about other things, I haven't blogged about it. It even has to do with flying. That, in a day or two.