With Wings As Eagles: Craig P. Steffen's Blog

you will never find a more wreched hive...

2006 June 18 06:35

[I don't want to complete the quote, since I have nothing against Oklahoma.]

The FAA recently certified Clinton-Sherman airport in Oklahoma to be a spaceport. I'm not sure what the qualifications are, or what the implications are, but it means that there will be a spaceport that's available to land to the general public relatively close to our new place. If I get the chance, it will be fun to land there sometime.

A source of links about this topic seems to be the spacelawprobe blog. I shall be checking that out. Among other things, it links to a map of proposed spaceports.

Apparently the person/agency in charge of this stuff is the AST (S-T is for Space Tourism). There will be more discussion of that here in the future.