With Wings As Eagles: Craig P. Steffen's Blog

Sorry about that, chief

2009 January 21 20:37

I've been watching my way through the first season of the DVD edition of the spy spoof Get Smart.

One of the extras in the first season is a reunion of the cast that took place in 2003. They discuss, among other things, the origins of some of the bits that became famous in Get Smart. Don Adam's character first appeared in an earlier sitcom where he plays a bumbling house detective alongside Bill Dana in an early version of his José Jiménez character was a bellhop. Adams said in the reunion that he and Dana together wrote a lot of the character bits for his detective that became Maxwell Smart.

The detective character (partiularly the grating voice) started in Don Adam's stand-up act as an annoying attourney. He would begin the sketch with:

"Ladies and gentlement of the jury, the prosecution has spent the last twenty minutes making an ass of himself. Now it's my turn."

He said the lawyer character was based on Nick Charles from the Thin Man movies.

I noticed a couple of interesting things in the show recently. The copyright statement is a little different than any I've seen anywhere else:

any "firms"? Were they worried that "Control" would be somehow mistaken for the internal workings of the CIA or something?

One other thing:

Notice the chair in the lower right-hand corner. I'm almost sure that we had dorm chairs like that when I was in college (1991-1995). In the 1960s, I guess they were classy hotel furniture.