With Wings As Eagles: Craig P. Steffen's Blog

There Will Be Blog

2010 December 01 23:55

It's almost a year since I pulled by blogger-based site and blog and went out on my own. And I still don't have things ready.

What you see here is the first public invocation of my "flat file blog" set of scripts. The formatting is ultra-cheesey because it's in test mode and not controlled by a stack of CSS declerations. This is because I'm lame and I've spent time since June just trying to get this far. It's been a fairly productive year other than that, but blog software not so much.

So it's December 1, 2010. I'm going to get this damned thing going one way or another. I think the way might be to just put the blog up (like this, like I have) and then slowly change it over time such that it actually looks like something. But as of today, December 1, 2010, there is blog content. And there will ever be more blog content, but never less. One of the goals (and one of the things that's taken so long) is that I want to have imported all my old blog entries to this format, such that it is. I'm most of the way there. Once those scripts work and I let them loose, then there will suddenly one day be almost 500 entries in my blog stretching back to 2005 or so.

Right. So Happy Hanukkah everyone, and Happy December! My plan is that no matter what, there will be a new blog entry every day this month. Every single day. And hopefully by the end of the month, the formatting will be something that won't make your eyes bleed and the pictures will work and stuff.

I would like to give a shout out to subversion! I now have a subversion (svn) repository on my web site machine of the blog software. That way, I can work on new versions on the laptop, and only check in the ones that work, and those will be the ones that run the blog and my web site. Also, this page on developbert.info helped me get it set up this evening.