On our other big sight-seeing day in Houston, we went downtown and the USS Texas memorial ship, and the memorial to the Battle of San Jacinto.
Battleship selfie. You know, like you do.
My wife, on one of the anti-aircraft turrets, taking aim at plagerism
and comma-splices.
A lot of the gear on the battleship still kind of works, which is
cool. This turret doesn't shoot, obviously, but the articulation
Bridge, which we couldn't go into but could photograph.
The engine spaces were amazing, but it was difficult to get photos,
because everything's massive but you can't tell because there's
nothing for scale. I did snag one photo of the engineering main
instrument panel:
The battle site is an interesting walk-around, but not a lot to
photograph, other than plaques and a lot of grass. The memorial
itself is amazing and huge. Here it is looking like one of the final stars in
Super Mario 64:
Everything really is bigger in Texas. Driving back to the house, we
have to wait for a crossing oil tanker.
(I think we were actually waiting for the ferry, but I liked the photo.)
Flying back home, gratuitus instrument panel photos:
One nice thing about this trip was that it was the major long-distance
trip that my wife and I have attempted to take in our airplane where
everything went flawlessly. Two legs out, two legs back, the airplane
was completely consistent and dependable.